
News & insights

The latest from the Foundation and our partners

Bennelong Foundation Australia

Pitch In Melbourne 2017

Coverage of the Bennelong Foundation's 7th Pitch In event featuring inspiring presentations from three organizations making a difference in the community.
October 24, 2017
min read
Bangarra Group Giving
Bennelong Foundation Australia

Wear it Pink with Aurora Media Worldwide

Aurora Media Worldwide team raises funds for breast cancer and cervical cancer research through Wear it Pink event and bake sale.
October 23, 2017
min read
Bangarra Group Giving
Bennelong Foundation Australia

Mindfulness in the Work Place Session with Smiling Minds

A corporate mindfulness workshop facilitated by Smiling Mind, one the Bennelong Foundation’s current grant recipients, was held at Bennelong House on 14th of September. Participants learned about mindfulness and were given some tools and skills to manage our daily work more effectively and improve our overall wellbeing!
September 26, 2017
min read
Economic Empowerment
Bennelong Foundation Australia

Visit to the Dymocks Children's Charity Duck Library Launch in Morwell

Visit to the new Duck Library on a community in Morwell, funded by Dymocks Children's Charities.
August 23, 2017
min read
Bennelong Foundation Australia
Economic Empowerment

Catch up with our inaugural Bennelong intern Claire Zheng

The story of Claire Zheng, the first recipient of the Bennelong Foundation Scholarship & Internship, who went on to win the King's College Entrepreneurship Prize for her company RoboK.
July 19, 2017
min read
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