Happy Brain Education

Happy Brain Education helps migrant families in Melbourne access high-quality education via tutoring and mentoring services.

Grant Type
Economic Empowerment

Teba Mazin, Happy Brain’s CEO, migrated to Australia from Iraq when she was 13. She knows first-hand how hard it is to settle into a new life, a new country and a new language while also trying to succeed at school.

“When we talk about students coming from migrant backgrounds there’s an issue with accessibility to high-quality education,” says Teba. “But there’s also an issue with understanding how to even navigate that space.”

Happy Brain was established to provide both that navigation and access by offering tutoring and mentoring services to, and creating a community for, young people in Melbourne with a refugee background.

Teba explains that Happy Brain wants to levelout the playing field of education for young people so that they have the tools they need to set their own path.

“Achievement doesn’t only look like academic success - it’s defined by the young person and whatever they are striving towards,” Teba explains.

“We’ve had success with students who end up securing a job they were after, or going through VCE, going on to university or securing the courses they wanted...one even went on to start her own business with support from her mentor.”

Impactful results

The Benefit

Happy Brain Education has enabled young refugees in Melbourne to participate in education opportunities.


Better access to the education young refugees need to open pathways to future career opportunities.


More opportunities for young refugees to learn, work and connect with others, and to have a voice.

Achievement doesn’t only look like academic success - it’s defined by the young person and whatever they are striving towards.

Teba Mazin

CEO, Happy Brain Education

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