News & Insights

Tan Track Challenge 2023

February 24, 2023
min read

The Tan Track Challenge is a crowd favourite in the Bennelong Foundation's calendar. We have been hosting this challenge for over a decade now celebrating the iconic Tan Clocks: promoting community health and fitness; and celebrating the installation of the Tan Track Clocks gifted to the City of Melbourne.

This year it was warm and the heat provided an extra challenge for those who decided to race it out for the cup.

Congratulations to Scott Lillingston on winning the Men's race a third year in a row with a time of 13 minutes and 34 seconds; and to Nicole Goodman, a repeat winner in the Women's race, with a time of 21 minutes and 58 seconds.

Thank you to Foundation partners and community members including:

- Bennelong Funds Management

- City of Melbourne

- Deloitte

- D-Labs

- Hume Property

- Run the Tan

- W Legal

- and all friends and family of the Bennelong Foundation for making it a special day.

Special mentions to:

- Pawa Catering for the delicious Indigenous fusion fare and;

- Jasper Menor for his incredibly fresh designs of this year's t-shirts

We thank you for contributing to the continued success of the Tan Track Challenge tradition and we can't wait to see you all next year!

Members of the Bennelong Foundation will be present at the annual Run the Tan Showcase Race on April 30th - this is an open invite to everybody. Please contact either Liem Nguyen or Sandra Jacobs if you would like to join our team. All are welcome!

Click below to view moments captured of the Tan Track Challenge 2023.